You know how important it is to teach your kids about them, now you just need ways to teach your kids about the Ten promised Paradise. Alhamdulillah, there is a lot of information about these great Companions (may Allah be pleased with them) but not all the material is suitable and accessible for kids. Also as a parent and likely a homeschooler you know teaching isn’t as simple as just handing your kids information! The lives of the Ten Promised paradise are epic and you could spend years studying them. So what can you choose to focus on so your kids can really benefit? Let’s explore some suggestions in this post.

Life Story
The simplest way to teach your kids about the Ten Promised Paradise is likely to explore their biographies in a chronological fashion. Learn when they were born, their early life, how they entered Islam, the major events of their lives and their eventual death. The challenge is that the same events from the seerah occur repeatedly, for example, the battle of Badr, so it is a good idea to focus on the event from various perspectives. A benefit of studying this way is that the events of the seerah become very familiar from repeatedly learning about them.

Character Study
Another way to teach your kids about the Ten Promised Paradise is to focus on the different characters of the Ten Promised paradise. This is brilliant for emphasising Islamic character traits that you are trying to encourage in your home. There will be multiple examples of each virtue so you have ample opportunity to demonstrate how their different characters all displayed great piety.

Aqeedah and The Importance of the Companions to Our Deen
Another great way to approach teaching about the Ten Promised Paradise is to focus on their significance. This is great if you do not have time to explore their biographies in detail at the current time, or you are planning on studying deeper in the near future inshaAllah. It’s important for kids to understand the status of Companions as they are sadly slandered and lies are spread widely especially on the internet. An added benefit is that when kids understand their importance it naturally sparks their curiosity to learn more.

Read a Book
A lovely way to teach kids, especially younger kids about the Ten Promised Paradise is to read books. They are natural appealing as they are written with kids in mind and at the right level. My absolute favourite is this book by Fitrah Beginnings.

Activities and Games
One of the most engaging ways to teach your kids about the Ten Promised Paradise is to use activities and games. They help to review what kids have learnt but also for them to make connections between the Companions. For example, they may have learnt about all 10 individually over a period of time and have not made the connection that all of they became Muslim in Makkah, made Hijrah and were counted as those who fought at Badr. This opportunity to make connections helps them to reflect on the significance of the 10 Promised Paradise and their special nature. Games in particular are a great way of revising and reviewing in an enjoyable way.
If you are interested, there is a review pack available for the 10 Promised Paradise that includes worksheets, activities and games to save you time and make learning fun. Learn more and purchase here.
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