What to teach about Muharram worksheet on a clipboard

What to teach your child about Muharram

Muharram is a very special time of year!  It’s really important to connect our kids to the Hijri calendar so they don’t miss out on these beneficial and special times.  It can be easy for us to suddenly realise that it’s the Day of Aashoora in a couple of days and we haven’t prepared our kids by teaching them about Muharram.  Here are some key facts to teach AND a free resource designed especially for kids to make it easy for you. 

Muharram is a sacred month

Muharaam is one of the 4 sacred months of the Hijri Calendar. (Surah at-Towbah 9:36).  It is the last of the 3 consecutive months, Dhul Qidr, DhulHijr and Muharram.  Rajab is the fourth month and it comes later in the year, before Shaban.

The best fast after Ramadhaan

Abu Hurayrah said: The Messenger of Allah said: “The best fast after Ramadhaan is in the month of Allah al-Muharram.” (Muslim 1982)

Fasting is encouraged throughout Muharram not just on the day of Aashoorah.

Muharram contains the Day of Aashoora

The day of Aashoorah is very significant as the day when Allah sent a huge blessing to Moosa’s people.

When the Messenger arrived in Madeenah, he found the Jews fasting on this day of Ashoorah, so he said to them: ‘’What is this fasting of yours?’’ They said: ‘’It was the day Allaah gave victory to Moosa and his people and humiliated pharaoh and his people. Indeed, Moosaa fasted on this Day, so we also fast. So the Messenger said: We have more right to (follow) Moosaa than you.’’ (Bukhari 4680) 

How we fast the day of Aashoora

When the Messenger of Allaah fasted the day of Ashoorah and commanded with fasting it, they said: “O Messenger of Allaah! It is indeed a day that is venerated by the Jews and the Christians.” So the Messenger of Allaah said: So when it is the following year, if Allaah wills, we shall fast the ninth day. He said: “So the following year did not come until the Messenger of Allaah had died.” Muslim 1916

As Muslims, it is preferable to fast another day alongside the Day of Aaashoorah (10th Muharram). Here is a wonderful khutbah that explains the ways you can fast and also the story of Moosa.  Definitely worth listening to before you fast.

what happened on the Day of Aashoora worksheet

What happened on the day of Aashoora

The story of what happened on the day of Aashoora is epic and really captures children’s interest. There are lots of khutbahs about the topic.  They are brilliant for children as they tend to be short and full of beneficial reminders. 

This is a great example:

Free Muharram Resource

A free resource to help you teach about Muharram and Aashoora

I hope you have found these ideas for what to teach your child about Muharram useful.  If you would like to get a FREE resource to help you teach this topic then CLICK HERE to download.

Here are some other blog posts you may be interested in:

7 Reasons to Teach Kids About the Hijri Calendar

5 Ways to Involve Young Kids in Ramadan

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