6 Unique Ramadan Writing Projects for Kids

Ramadan writing activities might not be top of your priority list while planning for Ramadan but if you homeschool you know what a struggle Ramadan homeschooling can be. It’s a challenge to balance schooling with fasting and other ibaadah. Some families like to take the whole month off but for others that just isn’t […]
6 Easy Ramadan Crafts for Muslim Kids

We’ve all seen the beautiful Ramadan crafts that require 4 empty kitchen rolls, 10 pipe cleaners and some extra supplies that seem to only be available on Amazon for a small fortune. That, or the craft looks like a professional artist did it and no child went within 10 metres of it unsupervised. These easy […]
Teaching Manners of Reciting the Qur’an

Teaching manners of reciting the Quran in lots of ways is a natural process. If your kids ever attend a class or you teach them at home for example, they’ll learn to seek refuge with Allah from Shaytaan and say the Basmallah before they begin. There are other beautiful manners that they can learn, which […]
3 Ways to Homeschool in Ramadan

Lots of families like to stop their homeschool in Ramadan. But what if you need to continue homeschooling in Ramadan to meet your academic goals for the year? You might even want to use your homeschool structure and routine to really focus on Islamic studies during Ramadan. Read on for some suggestions on how to […]
Useful Tips for Taking Your Child to Taraweeh

Lots of people have a strong opinion about whether you should take your child to taraweeh. Honestly, this blog post isn’t going to explore whether you should or shouldn’t. It’s a decision that should be made taking into consideration lots of personal factors. As a parent, you know about the set-up at your local masjid, […]
5 types of Ramadan activities for young kids to try this Ramadan

Ramadan activities can be quite divisive amongst Muslim parents! Some think that they are a fun way of educating kids about Ramadan and involving even young kids in this special time. Others believe they place an unnecessary burden on the parents and are an unwise use of time at a time when they are making […]
5 Ways to Involve Young Kids in Ramadan

Ramadan is such an exciting and busy time of year. When you are focusing on the obligation of fasting, not to mention any older kids who might need to fast, it can be easy to forget to involve young kids in Ramadan activities. They can’t fast, but they can definitely join in many of the […]