Can you name the wives of King Henry VIII? I wouldn’t expect you to but if you grew up in the UK, you likely can name a few. That’s the power of early education, lessons really can last a lifetime. There is a famous Arab proverb ‘Memorising in childhood is like engraving on a stone while memorising at an old age is like writing on water.’ The Mothers of the Believers make a brilliant impactful childhood topic.
Wouldn’t it be great if our kids learnt about the Mothers of the Believers instead of the wives of kings or other historical figures? If it was the details from their lives that we couldn’t forget. Read on for why you should make teaching about the Mothers of the Believers a priority!

The Mothers of the believers are strong feminine role models
In a time when femininity is a hotly debated topic, feminine role models are absolutely essential. Even if you try to limit your kid’s exposure to popular culture, they will likely encounter public figures who are admired for all the wrong reasons. The Mothers of the Believers demonstrate through their lives what it means to be truly admirable. They were strong and determined. They showed this in a myriad of ways, they left their homes for the sake of Allah, started with nothing in a new place, were patient through the loss of loved ones, they remained firm in their faith in the face of opposition and much more besides.
The Mothers of the Believers are especially important as role models for young girls. People really relate to those who are like them, for example, if they share a culture or if they are a similar age. Similarly, girls (and women) can relate more to the Mothers of the Believers as they tread a similar path in life.

Defend the Mothers of the Believers against slander and agendas
Sadly the Mothers of the Believers are targets for attacks and slander. The best defence against this is correct knowledge from the Qur’an and Sunnah. Educating your children about the virtue of the Mothers of the Believers will help them dismiss any lies they encounter. The incident of the ifk is particularly used by deviant groups so it’s vital that children are taught the correct information AND references so they can be confident they have the right understanding.

Stories stick
Another great reason for teaching your children about the Mothers of the Believers is that their stories really stick in their minds. When we hear stories we are much more likely to remember the information and details we are told. When kids learn about the life stories of the wives of the Prophet (may Allah raise his rank and grant him peace) they remember all kinds of beneficial details like the ahadith they narrated and the timeline of the seerah.
Connection to the Sunnah
As women that lived closely with the Messenger (may Allah raise his rank and grant him peace) they were able to narrate details from his life that other companions could not. They provide a beautiful insight into how the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) interacted with his families. Through their life stories, you learn so much about the Prophet’s life and manners. It’s a beautiful benefit of studying their lives,

Resources to help you teach kids about the Mothers of the Believers
If you would like a FREE resource about the Virtues of the Mothers of the Believers click here to download a free activity pack and gain access to the free resource library.
Get individual biography packs for the Mothers of the Believers in the SHOP, TPT and Etsy.
Or get the bundle which is discounted & has a BONUS review pack! Also available in the SHOP, TPT and Etsy.
Each biography pack contains:
✔️ 2 levels of biography in child-friendly language
✔️4 worksheets that encourage reflection and understanding
✔️Pennant poster activity
✔️Simple heart craft
✔️Answer key
⌛Save time as everything is prepared for you.
✏️Low prep – just print and go!
✂️Craft activity is perfect to display.
⭐Black and white to save your ink!
✅Answer keys save you time googling for information!
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