Why unit studies are perfect for teaching Islam to toddlers and young children

hot air balloon craft represents a fun activity used in a unit study

Teaching Islam to toddlers and young children can seem tricky at first.  Lots of parents (especially first-time parents) are very excited to share the beautiful deen Islam with their young children.  However, you can’t sit down with books and worksheets!  Allah blessed kids with the ability to learn a lot in a short space of […]

How to create Islamic comprehension passages: a step-by-step guide

How to create Islamic comprehension passages nd worksheets

There is a huge demand for Islamic comprehension passages amongst Muslim homeschoolers.  It’s a commonly expressed concern amongst Muslim parents that the reading material their children encounter during English lessons is not beneficial and in lots of cases completely contrary to Islamic values.  Alhamdulillah, Islamic comprehension passages offer a much better alternative.  They allow parents […]

The Impact of Well-Designed Resources on Your Muslim Homeschool

Who is a Companion worksheet as an example of a well-designed resource

A really exciting and fun part of Muslim homeschooling is selecting resources to help you teach.  How do you choose the right resources that actually help you reach your goals?  There are so many beautiful and appealing textbooks, workbooks, unit studies and learning aids out there but how many of them are aligned with your […]

4 Simple Ways to Use Biographies in your Muslim Homeschool

Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas biography

You want to include biographies in your Muslim homeschool.  You know how important it is to provide them with examples of pious Muslims and positive role models.  However, you are short on time and unsure where to include them.  Here are some suggestions on how to easily and naturally incorporate biographies in your Muslim homeschool. […]

5 ways to introduce Islamic Content into other subjects

Writing prompt book page that mentions Allah

There are lots of advantages to introducing Islamic content into subjects other than Islamic studies, you can learn more about that here and here.  However, it isn’t always clear what are the best ways to introduce Islamic content.    Here are some useful suggestions to help you decide which option is best suited for you. […]

Ways to Teach Your Kids About the Ten Promised Paradise

5 ways to teach about 10 promised paradise

You know how important it is to teach your kids about them, now you just need ways to teach your kids about the Ten promised Paradise.  Alhamdulillah, there is a lot of information about these great Companions (may Allah be pleased with them) but not all the material is suitable and accessible for kids.  Also […]

Benefits of Writing Prompts for Muslim Homeschools

Benefits of writing prompts for Muslim homeschools

You may have seen cute writing journals for kids but dismissed them because you were unsure of the benefits of writing prompts for Muslim homeschools.  You definitely don’t need to buy a special book or journal but writing prompts can really help transform writing lessons from a struggle to a breeze bithnillah.  Here are 5 […]

Writing Tips for Muslim Homeschoolers

Writing Tips for Muslim Homeschoolers

Most homeschoolers I chat to mention that writing can be a struggle for at least one of their kids.  They stare at a blank page or write a few lines and get distracted.  This can be demotivating for you as a homeschooling parent as writing lessons become a chore for both of you.  The focus […]

Should you use Islamically Integrated Resources or teach Islamic Studies separately?

islamically integrated resource Arabian Peninsula lapbook

Alhamdulillah, there are more and more quality resources for teaching children about Islam.  But how do you know what is right for you?  Should you try to incorporate Islam into every subject by using Islamically integrated resources or should Islamic Studies have its own focused time? What are Islamically integrated resources? I first saw this […]

5 Reasons You Should Teach About Africa and Islam

5 reasons you should teach about Africa and Islam and a Africa lapbook

Excuse me sister, but why did you choose Africa and Islam as a topic? The question surprised me a little at the time. I was running an online study and a curious sister asked this in the group. I realised that the answer might not be obvious so here is an explanation of why it […]