Teaching manners of reciting the Qur'an

Teaching Manners of Reciting the Qur’an

Teaching manners of reciting the Quran in lots of ways is a natural process.  If your kids ever attend a class or you teach them at home for example, they’ll learn to seek refuge with Allah from Shaytaan and say the Basmallah before they begin.  There are other beautiful manners that they can learn, which can increase the blessing and reward of their recitation.  Here are some suggestions for ways you can teach manners of reciting the Qur’an.  

If you are looking for the free manners lesson pack click here!

Manners of reciting the quran information pack in a folder

Lead by example

It’s often the most challenging way of teaching for parents, but our example really does speak louder than our words.  

Do they not then consider the Qur’ân carefully? Had it been from other than Allâh, they would surely have found therein many contradictions.  (Surah An-Nisa 4:82)

By modelling manners like reflecting on the meaning of the Quran and acting upon what we’ve read, children see the Qur’an as a source of guidance and not a book that is only to be memorised.

Teach a lesson based on authentic knowledge

Kids are far more likely to have beautiful manners with the Qur’an if they are given the evidence from the Qur’an and Sunnah.   It’s also really important to get kids used to seeing authentic evidence for actions attributed to Islam.  That way they won’t just accept blindly what they are told or copy what they see.  As we know sometimes actions are attributed to Islam by Muslims when they don’t have strong evidence to support them.  

Another benefit is that when you teach a lesson on manners with the Qur’an then you are likely to cover the topic comprehensively.

It was for this reason that I created a Manners of Reciting the Qur’an information and worksheet pack.  It contains 14 different manners for children with evidence from the Qur’an and Sunnah presented in an appealing way for kids. It’s featured in many of the pictures in this blog post.

What’s Included?

  • 6 information pages about Ramadan
  • 2 Worksheets
  • Answer Key

✏️No Prep – save your precious time

✏️Black and White – printer friendly

✏️All evidence provided – feel assured all the knowledge is authentic

If you’d like to get your FREE copy, sign up here to access the free resource library that contains the information pack and many other resources designed especially for Muslim kids.

Sitting with scholars and teachers

Manners were learnt by the best generation, the sahaba, from the Prophet (may Allah raise his rank and grant him peace).  In this time, manners are learnt from the inheritors of the prophets, the scholars.

A Quran teacher with beautiful manners is such a blessing to children and a great example for them to copy.

Reminders at home

While children may be taught manners of reciting the Quran in a lesson or at the masjid, it is at home that they are reminded of them.  We all benefit from regular reminders and children are definitely not the exception.


Free resources to help you teach kids about Islam

I hope you have found these tips for instilling Islamic principles into your child’s education helpful.  If you would like to get a FREE resource to help connect Muslim kids to the Qur’an then join the mailing list here to download a fun activity pack about one of the Animals in the Qur’an, the ant, and gain access to the free resource library.

Here are some other blog posts you may be interested in:

5 types of Ramadan activities for young kids to try this Ramadan

5 Ways to Involve Young Kids in Ramadan

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